Amazing People with the First Call (一鳴驚人)

Startling the World
Coming as a Bombshell
Said of an obscure person who surprises the world with some spectacular achievement little expected by other.
King Weiwang of Qi of the Warring States Period(戰國)(475~221 B.C) had been on the throne for three years, but he had never attended to state affairs. Seeing that the power and prestige of their country were steadily declining, his ministers were worried.
A man by the name of Chunyu Kun(淳于髡) learned that King Weiwang was fond of solving riddles. So one day he said to him, "Your subject has been puzzled by a riddle. May I beg Your majesty to solve it?" "Go ahead," consented the King, whereupon Chunyu said, "There is a big bird that has been staying in a courtyard of the imperial palace for three years. But not once has it tried its wings or sung. May Your Majesty enlighten your subject by telling him why?"
Fully aware that Chunyu was indirectly referring to him, King Weiwang replied, smiling, "The bird has not used its wings for three years because it wants them to grow stornger. It has not sung for three years because it wants first to size up the situation around. It may not have tried at flying, but once it does, it will storm the sky. It may not have sung, but once it does, it will amaze the world."
Shortly afterwards, King Weiwang began to take the reins of bovernment into his own hands. The national affairs of Qi soon improved markedly.
  • obscure
    ぼんやりした、はっきりとしない、不明りょう{ふめいりょう}な、あいまいな、不透明{ふとうめい}な・The origin of the Japanese language remains obscure. (日本語のルーツははっきりしていない。)・This sentence is obscure [ambiguous]. ( この文章の意味はあいまいだ。 )
    〔人が〕無名{むめい}の・She prefers obscure writers to famous ones because she's a translator.(彼女は翻訳家なので、有名な作家より無名の作家を好む。 )
  • prestige
  • riddle
  • size up
    〔基準{きじゅん}などに〕達する・The film did not size up to Hollywood standards. (その映画はハリウッドの基準に達していなかった。 )
    大きくなる・This ring is 5 but can size up to 6 1/2 at no charge.(この指輪は9号ですが13号まで無料で大きくできます。)
    〔状況{じょうきょう}などを〕判断{はんだん}する、品定めする、評価{ひょうか}する・The commander sized up the situation and commanded his army to move forward.(司令官は状況を判断すると自軍に対して前進するよう命じた。 )
    ~のサイズを大きくする、~の容量{ようりょう}を増加{ぞうか}させる・I sized up the original capture file by increasing the print size. (プリント・サイズを大きくすることで元のキャプチャ・ファイルの容量を増加させた。)
  • rein
    手綱{たづな}、拘束{こうそく}、統制{とうせい}、統御力{とうぎょ りょく}、支配権{しはいけん}、指揮権{しきけん}
(the soures from the internet and the book "The Best Chinese Idioms")

Covering One's Eyes with a Leaf (一葉障目)

Seeing No Further Than One's Nose
Used to describe a person whose eyes are shaded by something trivial so that all things farther or more important are shut out.
Once upon a time, there was a poor man who read form a book that the tree leaves behind which a mantis hid while trying to catch a cicada could conceal a person from mortal eyes, So he made up his mind to find such leaves. He swept up a heap of leaves from under a tree and carried them home. Then he tested their worth one by one. Holding one of them in front of his eyes, he repeatedly asked his wife. "Can you see me any more?" "Yes, I can" was her invariable answer. Tired of being unendingly bothered with the same stupid question, one day she tried to deceive him by saying, "No, I can't see you any longer."
Overjoyed, the poor man went to the market place with that "magic" leaf and helped himself to what he could lay his hands on. He was caught in the act. At the court, he told the magistrate his story. "But aren't you afraid of being discovered by others?" asked the magistrate. "No." the poor man confessed. "because once I cover my eyes with such a magic leaf, I won't be able to see anything before me."
The magistrate burst into laughter and ordered his release.
  • trivial
    ささいな、取るに足りない、瑣末{さまつ}な◆【語源】ラテン語tri(three) + via(road)・Look at the important issues, not the trivial ones. ( ささいな問題ではなく、重要な問題を見なさい。)
  • mantis
  • cicada
  • conceal
    〔物・情報・事実などを〕隠す、隠匿{いんとく}する、秘密{ひみつ}にする・Don't try to conceal anything. Confess! ( 包み隠さず白状しろ!)
  • invariable
  • confess
    〔自己{じこ}に不利益{ふりえき}な事実{じじつ}を〕認める・Even if Bob did confess, I do not believe that he killed that woman.
  • 【他動】〔過ち・罪などを〕告白{こくはく}[白状{はくじょう}・自供{じきょう}]する・He didn't confess his crime even after he was found guilty. (彼は有罪の評決が下った後でさえ、犯行を自白しなかった。)

(the soures from the internet and the book "The Best Chinese Idioms")

A Spring Dresm (一場春夢)

Said of the transience of great wealth and high position
Su Dongpo(蘇東坡) was a celebrated man of letters and calligrapher of the Northern Song Dynasty. He objected to Wang Anshi's(王安石) reform, and was banished from the court for writing opposing poems. Leater, he resumed office first as Court Academician, and then as Minister of Rites(禮部尚書). However, he was again removed from the court. At the time he was in Changhua in Zhejiang, he walked one day on a country path with a gourd ladle on his back while singing, and came across a grandma in her seventies. The grandma said to him with pity, "Your wealth and position as an academician in the past is only a dream in spring, "Hearing the words, Su Dongpo was depressed and said nothing.
  • banish ~ from
  • academician
  • gourd (葫蘆瓢)
  • ladle

(the sources from internet and the book "The Best Chinese Idioms)

A Ruinous defeat (一敗塗地)

Meaning once defeated, one's liver and brains will be scattered to the ground.
Towards the end of the Qin(秦) Dynasty, the feudal princes in many places revolted against the tyranical Qin court and the peasant leader Chen Sheng staged an uprising at Great Marsh Township. The magistrate of Pei county was greatly alarmed by the perilous political situation. At the suggestion of the county officials Xiao He(蕭和) and Cao Shen(曹參), the magistrate sent someone to fetch Liu Bang(劉邦) who had been exiled. But when Liu Bang and his men were outside the city, the magistrate feared that once Liu Bang was in the city, he might remove the magistrate from his post. The magistrate close the city gates and planned to have Xiao He and Cao Shen killed. Xiao and Cao managed to escape from the city and recieved Liu Bang's protection. Liu Bang wrote a letter calling on the people to rise against the magistrate, tied the letter to an arrow and shot it into the city. The people in the city responded to the call with one heart, killed the magistrate and opened the gate to welcome Liu Bang into the city. They wanted him to be the magistrate, but Liu Bang refused, saying, "The whole country is now in great turmoil. If you don't choose the right person to be the magistrate, you may suffer defeat with your liver and brains scattered to the ground. I wish you could choose a more suitable person." After declining several times, Liu Bang eventually assumed the post of magistrate and became known respectfully as Lord Pei.

  • feudal
  • revolt
  • perilous
    危険{きけん}な、冒険的{ぼうけんてき}な、危険{きけん}の多い、危険性{きけん せい}の高い
  • exile
    (国外{こくがい})追放{ついほう}する、亡命{ぼうめい}させる・The Dalai Lama, spiritual leader, was exiled from Tibet by China. (精神的指導者であるダライ・ラマは中国政府によってチベットから追放された。)
  • turmoil
    騒動{そうどう}、混乱{こんらん}、不安{ふあん}、騒ぎ、動揺{どうよう}・The government's inability to manage inflation will lead to social turmoil. (政府がインフレ抑制に失敗すれば社会不安を招くだろう。)
  • assume
    ~と仮定{かてい}[想定{そうてい}・憶測{おくそく}・推測{すいそく}]する、思い込む、見なす、頭から決めてかかる、~を前提{ぜんてい}とする、当然{とうぜん}と思う、見込む{みこむ}、決め込む、てっきり~だと思う・I would assume so. (そうだと推測します[思います]。)I assume (that) you will show this email to your subordinates. (あなたは、このメールを部下たちに見せますよね。 )
    〔責任などを〕負う・We assume no responsibility whatsoever for any damages resulting from the use of this site.(このサイトを利用することによって発生する損害に関して、当社は一切の責任を負いません。 )
    〔姿勢{しせい}・体勢{たいせい}・ポーズなどを〕とる・As soon as I finish my meal, I always assume my usual position on my comfortable chair, and continue working on my PC. (私は、いつも食事を終えたらすぐにいつもの場所に戻り、心地良いいすに座って、パソコンの作業を続けます。 )
    〔任務{にんむ}・役職{やくしょく}・地位{ちい}などに〕就任{しゅうにん}する、就く・He assumed a newly created position as the company's chief operating officer. (彼は最高執行責任者として新しく作られた役職に就任しました。)

(the sources from the internet and the book "The Best Chinese Idioms")

Cherishing a Deep-seated Affetion (一往情深)

Said of people who are passionately and consistently devoted to somebody or something
Huan Yi(桓伊), a general of the Eastern Jin(晉)Dynasty, was brave and sagacious in battle and performed many military exploits for the empire. He was an honest and modest person and never prided himself on his merits. He loved music very much and was good at playing the flute. While listening to beautiful songs, he was unable to restrain his emotions and often felt enchanted by the magic of music. Xie An(謝安), the prime minister at that time , once said that Huan Yi's love for music was deep-seated and came from th bottom of his heart.
  • consistently【副】
      Thank you very much for the fine arrangements you have consistently made for us over the past ten years. (過去10年にわたっていつも素晴らしい手配をしていただいてきたことに対し、厚く御礼申し上げます。)

  • sagacious 【形】賢明な、聡明な、利口な、機敏
  • exploit 【名】
      手柄{てがら}、功績{こうせき}、偉業{いぎょう}、快挙{かいきょ}、功業{こうぎょう}、英雄的行為{えいゆうてき こうい}
  • enchanted【形】魅惑{みわく}の、魅了{みりょう}するような、恍惚となった
  • restrain 【他動】
    • 〔人・動物の行動を〕制する、制止{せいし}する、抑止{よくし}する、抑える
    • 自制{じせい}する、こらえる
    • He couldn't restrain himself from crying during sad movies. ( 彼は悲しい映画を見ている間、泣くのをこらえることができなかった。)
    • 抑制{よくせい}する、防止{ぼうし}する
    • 拘束{こうそく}する、監禁{かんきん}する
(the sources from the internet and the book "The Best Chinese Idioms")

    A narrow strip of water (一衣帶水)

    said of close neighbours
    t the end of the Southern Dynasties,Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty,on the northern side of the Yangtze River, launched a war to unify the whole country. He wanted to destory the state of chen on the soouthern side but his army was stopped by the torrential river. Standing by the river and looking towards the south that was enveloped in mists, he said to his minister Gao Ying, "The emperor of Chen has plunged the people of Chen into the depth of sufferings. As an officail of the people, am I to be stopped by a narrow strip of water and not come to their rescue?" He ordered boats to be bilt and eventually subjugated the state of Chen, unifying the whole country under his leadership.
    • torrential 【形】
      • 急流の、急流の作用でできた
      • 急速な、激しい、車軸を流すような、圧倒的な、熱烈な、猛烈な、おびただしい、ものすごい

    • plunge 【名】【自動】飛び込む〔価格などが〕急に下がる、急落する
      • The U.S. dollar plunged against the yen (ドルが円に対して急落しました。)
      • Because of the socialist Party's victory in the election, prices plunged on the Paris stock market. ( 選挙で社会党が勝利したために、パリ証券取引所では株価が暴落しました。)
    • subjugate 【他動】支配下に置く、従属させる、意のままに操る
      • Hitler subjugated his people using charisma and force. (ヒトラーはカリスマ性と武力で国民を従えた)
      (the sources from the internet and the book "The Best Chinese Idioms")

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