Large Material for Small Use (大材小用)

Refferring to waste or misuse of fine materials or talents.
The famous poet Xie Qiji (辛棄疾)(1140-1207) of the Southern Song Dynasty, who all along stood for resistance against the Kin(金) invaders, repeatedly petitioned the throne that troops be used to recover the lost territories. His proposal, however, was turned down by the reigning emperor due to the opposition by ministers who advocated unprincipled peace.
When Xin Qiji served as an official in shaoxing of present-day Zhejiang Province in 1201, however, the emperor planned to grant him an audience. His friend, another patriotic poet by the name of Lu You(陸游) (1125-1210), regarded this as a good opportunity for Xin to present his views to the throne. So Lu wrote a long poem to Xin, which contained the lines "Large material being put to petty use, at this people have sighed from ancient times." Lu deeply regretted that Xin could not put this outstanding talent to better use.
(the sources from the internet and the book "The Best Chinese Idioms"
