FBIの女性エージェントが不可解な失踪を遂げ、モルダーとスカリーが捜査協力を要請された。事件解明の鍵を握るのは、サイキックな透視能力で手が かりを探りあてる神父ジョー。聖職者にあるまじき汚れた過去を持つ彼は、天が遣わした救世主か、それとも悪魔なのか。時に、対立しながらも捜査を進めるモ ルダーとスカリーは、神をも恐れぬおぞましい事件の核心と、ジョーをめぐる驚愕の真相に迫っていく…。
ICHI-good film
たったひとりで旅を続ける市は、同じ盲目の女がチンピラたちに襲われていても、助けるそぶりすら見せない。そこへ現れたのは、藤平十馬。市にも襲い かかろうとするチンピラたちの前に勢いよく立ちはだかったものの、手が震え、戦うどころか刀を抜くことさえできない。返り討ちにされそうになった瞬間、男 たちを斬り殺したのは市。か弱く見える市は、十馬の助けなどいらないくらい強かった。迷惑顔の市に話しかけながら、十馬が後ろをついてくる。誰にも関わり たくない市と、誰かに関わりたくて仕方のない十馬。正反対の二人は、やがて万鬼堂というチンピラたちに荒らされている町にたどり着く。そんな二人に、仮面 の男・万鬼が残虐な牙を剥く…。
新米教師の星と6年2組の子どもたちは、卒業までの1年間、“食べる約束”で子ブタを飼い始める。子どもたちは、子ブタを“Pちゃん”と名付け、小 屋を作り、毎日世話をし、一緒に遊んで楽しく日々を過ごしていく。その中で芽生えるPちゃんへの愛情。しかし、夏休みが明けた頃から、「かわいそうでP ちゃんを食べられない」という声が増え、“食べる 対 食べない”でクラスの意見が真っ二つに分かれてしまう。何度もクラスで話し合い、決着のつかないままに卒業式は迫ってきて…。

Bernanke: It's time for stimulus plan

Bernanke, speaking before the House Budget Committee, came just short of an outright endorsement of a package to pump tax dollars into the economy. But he clearly said the economy needs additional help from Congress.
"With the economy likely to be weak for several quarters, and with some risk of a protracted slowdown, consideration of a fiscal package by the Congress at this juncture seems appropriate," he said.
Experts said Bernanke's testimony gives an important lift to the chances that Congress will pass some sort of stimulus package, perhaps in a lame duck session after the November election and before the new Congress takes office in January.
"Effectively, the Fed chairman is giving Congress a green light to go ahead with an additional fiscal stimulus package," said Brian Bethune, chief U.S. financial economist for research firm Global Insight.
Earlier this year, Congress approved a $170 billion plan - nearly $100 billion in payments to tax filers - to boost consumer and business spending. Talk has grown louder in recent weeks in Washington and on the presidential campaign trail for further steps including an extension of unemployment benefits, infrastructure spending and other measures.
Bernanke's comments were cheered by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.
"Chairman Bernanke added his voice to the chorus of economists, experts and policymakers who insist that America needs a job-creating recovery package to get our economy back on track and to restore consumer and investor confidence," said a statement released by her office.
The Bush administration said it was open to discussing a new stimulus package with lawmakers but said it did not see Bernanke's statements as a blanket endorsement of any plan proposed so far by Congress.
"I think we just need to wait and see," said White House spokeswoman Dana Perino. "We're open to ideas and we'll take a look at what comes our way."
Bernanke, who with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has led the government's extraordinary efforts in recent weeks to stem the financial crisis, was asked by Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., whether the economy is in a recession.
"We are in a serious slowdown," Bernanke said, refusing to give the yes-or-no answer DeLauro said she wanted.
He said "recession" is a technical description of economic conditions. "Whether it's called a recession or not is of no consequence," Bernanke said.
Some economists saw Bernanke's comments as his most dire assessment yet of the U.S. economy.
"The Fed has accepted that the rate cuts and actions, even if they are of help to the financial sector, will not be adequate to stabilize the economy," said Arpitha Bykere, economic analyst for RGE Monitor.
Most of Bernanke's nearly 90-minute appearance focused on economic stimulus. He said that Congress should consider another measure but nonetheless declined to say how much money should be spent. He said that's a decision for Congress, not the Federal Reserve.
Bernanke suggested Monday that any stimulus program should be activated as quickly as possible to boost the economy when it is facing its greatest period of weakness.
In addition, Congress should weigh whether to make credit more available to consumers, homeowners, businesses and other borrowers, Bernanke said. He said that loan guarantees and direct lending by government are among the ways lawmakers can get credit flowing again.
Democrats have been pushing for a second stimulus package for months. Among the proposals they've put forward: extend jobless benefits, increase food stamps, invest in infrastructure projects and impose a requirement for a foreclosure moratorium.
Republicans have made their own proposals, which focus more on tax breaks than direct payments. Among them, reduce or suspend the capital gains tax and offer a bigger tax break for home buyers.
The presidential candidates, whose crisis-related stimulus plans largely differ from one another, nevertheless both call for suspending the income tax on unemployment benefits and temporarily exempting seniors over 70-1/2 from having to make withdrawals from their IRAs and 401(k)s.
At Monday's hearing, Rep. Brian Baird, D-Wash, pushed Bernanke about the value of spending on infrastructure projects, such as roads and water projects. Such projects have economic value, but it generally takes a long time for spending on such projects to get into the system, Bernanke said. Baird responded that in his district and across the country there are many projects ready to go and lacking only funding.
櫻の園 −さくらのその−

ヴァイオリニストになる夢を失った少女・結城桃が、姉がかつて通っていた名門私立女子高校・櫻華学園へ編入してくる。伝統を重んじる音楽学校の方針 とそりが合わず、新たな目標を求めてここに来たのだが、櫻華学園も伝統に囚われた学校だった。自分が正しいと思ったことに妥協したくない桃は、転校初日か ら、早くも規則だらけの学校に違和感を覚える。ある日、校舎内にあかずの部屋があることを知り、好奇心に駆られる桃。そこは廃部となった演劇部の部室だっ た。そこで桃は、チェーホフの「桜の園」の台本を見つける。その後、かつてこの女子高では創立記念日に「桜の園」を上演することが毎年の伝統だったのだ が、ある事情から今はそれが途絶えていることを知る。桃は再び「桜の園」の劇を復活させようと、同級生や仲間たちを誘い奔走するが…。
10 Promises to My Dog
主人公のあかりを演じるのは、『ゲゲゲの鬼太郎』『夕凪の街桜の国』の田中麗奈。あかりの幼なじみ・進には、『硫黄島からの手紙』、『それでもボクはやっ てない』の若手個性派俳優、加瀬亮。少女時代のあかりには、TVドラマ「女王の教室」、『日本沈没』で注目を集めた福田麻由子。母・芙美子には、華やかな 存在感をスクリーンに残す高島礼子。そして、父・祐市にはシリアスな役どころからコメディまで、幅広い演技で高く評価されている豊川悦司。彼ら一人一人と ソックスとの交流が丹念に描かれ、犬は飼い主に豊かな愛情を与えてくれるだけでなく、人と人の絆すら結んでくれるのだと教えてくれる。2008年春、一匹 の犬が、日本中を温かく包む大きな感動を届けます。
![]() |

10日に都内で行った和装挙式には、新郎新婦とリアの弟のみが出席したという。同居生活はすでに始まっているが、入籍はリアが米国籍のため、手続きはこ れから。今後は産休に入るが、復帰時期は未定。リアは「できるだけ早く戻ります。ポイしないでね」とファンにメッセージを送った。

すでに初心者、中級者向けのデジタル一眼レフを発売しているソニーだが、上級者モデルの投入であらゆる顧客のニーズに応えたい考えだ。「α900」の本 体質量は約850グラムで、同社説明員は「フルサイズでありながら軽量コンパクトに仕上げた。他社のハイエンド機とも肩を並べる性能が凝縮されている」と 胸を張った。
画像処理エンジン「BIONZ(ビオンズ)」を2個搭載したことで、高画質化に伴う大容量データの高速処理を実現。5枚/秒の連射性能で、約10万回の 耐久性能を持つシャッター、約2.5〜4段分の手ぶれ補正機構、視野率100パーセントのファインダーなどを搭載した。10月23日発売で、市場総低価格 は33万円前後。
「α900」と同時に発表した、ズーム比5.7倍の超望遠ズームレンズ「70-400mm F4-5.6 G SSM」(希望小売価格26万2500円)と従来のEDガラスよりさらに強い色収差補正を持つスーパーEDガラスを採用したカールツァイス広角ズームレン ズ「Vario-Sonnar T* 16-35mm F2.8 ZA SSM」(同28万3500円)は来年1月発売予定。
内覧会では「α900」のほか、プラズマテレビ「BRAVIA」や有機ELテレビ、BDレコーダーなどのハイビジョン関連商品、ノートパソコン「VAIO type A」など、約150種類の新製品が展示された。
(記者:山本 宏樹)


人間が去った29世紀の地球で700年間も働き続けてきた身長132cm、体重214kgの“ウォーリー”。日本での友達第1号に、と名乗りを上げたお笑 い芸人の山口智充からのビデオ・レターには、「ワーオ」と驚きの声をあげた。また、山口の口から「雨上がり決死隊」の宮迫博之が第2号に立候補しているこ とを明かされた。さらに「タカアンドトシ」の2人が第3号として登壇すると、“ウォーリー”の興奮は最高潮に達した。
タカの「ドント・ ウォーリー」とおなじみのボケに対して、トシが「欧米か!」と突っ込みを入れると大喜び。「ンフフフッフコッケコー」と発し、楽しげだ。そして「誠実で頑 張り屋さん。ロボットに大切なことを教えてもらった」と称えられると、「ダーイスキ」と日本語で応えた。
本作のアイデアは、14年前に 「人類が地球を捨てだれもいなくなったとき、最後のロボットのスイッチを切り忘れたら?」という1行から始まったという。スタントン監督は、「当時はどん な物語にすべきか分からなかった。でも、人類が“愛”をなくしてしまったらどうなるだろう? と考えたら答えは明らかだった。この作品はピクサーのDNA が詰まった作品です」と振り返り、自信満々に胸を張った。
ゲット スマート

極秘諜報機関「コントロール」で情報分析官を務めているスマートの夢は、エージェントとなって活躍する事。ある日「コントロール」本部が犯罪組織 「カオス」に襲われ、すべてのエージェントの身元が知られてしまう。そのため、顔が知られていないスマートはエージェントに昇格。整形した美人エージェン ト99と組んで、カオスの陰謀を暴く使命を受ける。張り切るスマートだが、失敗の連続。しかしついに敵ボスの居場所を突き止める。
本作は、60年代にアメリカで人気を博したTVスパイシリーズの映画化だ(日本では「それ行けスマート」のタイトル)。設定はオリジナルを踏襲して いるらしいが、ストーリーは現代風に新たに書かれたものだ。リメイクにありがちな、爆発やカーチェイスといった「お約束」の派手なアクションが加味されて いるが、主人公のスマートを演じているのが、『40歳の童貞男』でブレイクしたスティーブ・カレル。脇をザ・ロックから改名したドウェイン・ジョンソン や、人気TVドラマ「HEROES/ヒーローズ」のマシ・オカ、ベテランのアラン・アーキン、テレンス・スタンプ、ジェイムズ・カーンといった面々がしっ かりと固めており、何かと楽しめる。
スイスの小さな村、トループ村。最愛の夫に先立たれ生きる気力をなくしていた80歳のマルタは、意気消沈しながら毎日をただ何となく過ごしていた。 そんなある日、彼女は忘れかけていた若かりし頃の夢、“自分でデザインをして刺繍をした、ランジェリー・ショップをオープンさせること”を思い出す。しか し保守的な村では、マルタの夢はただ周りから冷笑され軽蔑されるだけ。それでもマルタは友人3人とともに夢を現実のものとするために動き出す。スイスの伝 統的な小さな村に広がる、夢に向かって頑張るマルタと彼女を支える仲間たちの夢と希望の輪。マルタの刺繍が、人々の心をやさしくあたたかく紡いでゆく…。
変化を恐れるのではなく、それをチャンスと受け止めて新しい一歩を踏み出すことにより、成長していく人々の姿を描きだす、勇気と希望に満ち溢れた心 あたたまる物語。スイス本国で2006年の動員数No.1に輝き、社会現象となるほど大ヒットを記録した。監督は、新鋭女性監督ベティナ・オベルリ。
P.S. アイラヴユー


S.H.E が私物を大放出する今回のオークションには、約5000人のファンが殺到。メンバーのHebeは、愛用の腕時計を胸の谷間にはさんでみせるパフォーマンス で会場を沸かせ、それに対抗したEllaは化粧ポーチを太ももにはさんでみせた。いずれも希望者がどんどん値段を吊り上げ、それぞれ約2万NTドル(約6 万5000円)という高値で落札された。
Selina が出品したお手製のアクセサリーは、熱狂的な男性ファン2人が戦いを繰り広げた末、6000NTドル(約2万円)で落札された。なお、この日の収益金は自 動福利聯盟文教基金会に寄付され、恵まれない子供たちへの援助金に利用されるという。(翻訳・編集/Mathilda)
Germany reaches deal to bail out Hypo

The Finance Ministry and private banks reached a deal late Sunday to infuse an additional line of credit worth up to 15 billion euros ($21 billion) into the embattled real estate giant, expanding on an earlier 35 billion euro ($48 billion) bailout plan that would have found the government and private banks splitting the bill.
The earlier deal fell apart Saturday when Hypo announced that a consortium of unnamed financial institutions had backed out. That prompted banking executives and lawmakers to convene in the capital for feverish talks toward the new deal they unveiled late Sunday.
The new package includes the original 35 billion euros ($48.4 billion) plan with the government paying up to 27 billion euros ($37 billion) of that sum and banks funding the remainder as a line of credit.
New is an additional 15 billion euro ($21 billion) line of insured credit from the banks.
The ministry said in a statement that the new deal would "strengthen the financial community of Germany in difficult times."
Earlier Sunday, Germany joined Ireland and Greece in taking drastic independent measures to protect its private citizens by guaranteeing all private bank and savings accounts as well as time deposits, or CDs.
Finance Ministry spokesman Torsten Albig said the unlimited guarantee covered some 568 billion euros ($785 billion) in investments.
Chancellor Angela Merkel vowed that she would not let the failure of any company disrupt the German economy.
"We will not allow the distress of one financial institution to distress the entire system," she told reporters.
Merkel said the plan would ensure that anyone who made reckless market decisions would be made to answer for their actions.
Hypo was the first German blue chip to seek a government rescue. It rant into trouble in mid-September as credit froze on international markets after its Dublin-based unit, Depfa Bank PLC, failed to attract needed short-term funding amid the widening credit crunch.
A spokesman for Ireland's department of finance said the government would not help Germany bail out Hypo or its subsidiary.
Sunday's emergency meeting came a day after Europe's four major economic powers called for tighter regulation in a bid to stop the fiscal bleeding wrought by turmoil on Wall Street -- though Germany, France, Britain and Italy shied away from advocating a massive bailout akin to that in the United States, where Congress approved a $700 billion plan last week.
European governments have pumped billions of euros into banks to keep them afloat over the last week, trying to assure savers their money was safe and avert a panic that has frozen lending across the world.
'Constant Gardener' writer was a real-life spy
"We saw ourselves almost as people with a priestly calling to tell the truth," John le Carre says of his days as a spy.
That is a matter of regret for John le Carre, eminent novelist and former spy, who has done more than almost any other writer to forge our idea of how the game is played.
Ian Fleming's action-hero James Bond may be more famous, but le Carre's universe has the ring of truth. His secret agents exist in a world of stalemate, moral compromise, ambiguity and betrayal.
That's again the terrain of his 21st novel, "A Most Wanted Man," but in some ways the landscape has changed. The end of the Cold War changed things. The September 11 attacks changed them again, revealing a frightening new menace and adding a glossary of chilling new terms -- "war on terror," "extraordinary rendition" -- to our common language.
"I have no nostalgia for the Cold War," says le Carre, who worked for British intelligence in Germany in the 1960s, when tensions with the Soviet Union were at their chilliest. "I think I have nostalgia for the hope that existed during the Cold War that when it ended we would redesign the world. We never did that. We missed the whole trick."
"A Most Wanted Man," which comes out October 7, is set firmly in our jittery post-9/11 world. Le Carre locates the action in Hamburg, Germany, the port city where several of the 9/11 hijackers planned their attacks. Its central character is Issa, an enigmatic half-Chechen refugee who appears in Hamburg sporting a long black coat, muddy motives and a claim to a mysterious fortune.
To Annabel Richter, an idealistic young human rights lawyer who takes up his case, Issa is a challenge. To the German, British and American spies who hone in on him, he is a possible asset and a potential threat.
Le Carre is fascinated by the way globalization and immigration have brought disparate peoples closer together, without bridging the gaps in culture, wealth and experience that divide them. Despite attempts at mutual understanding, the novel's characters are on a collision course.
"We know so little, we understand so little, about Islam -- the cultural differences that separate us, the thought processes that separate us," says the writer, whose real name is David Cornwell. "It's very difficult to find a common ground. I'm not offering solutions here, but trying to paint a moment in our time. I'm very hung up on trying to catch the moment of where we are and trying to make a neat little story that reflects our feelings."
Since his breakthrough book, "The Spy Who Came in From the Cold," in 1963, le Carre has become one of Britain's most successful writers. Many of his books -- most recently "The Constant Gardener" -- have been turned into films. His books may be categorized as thrillers, but they are reviewed as serious novels.
Nan Graham, editor-in-chief at le Carre's U.S. publisher, Scribner, says he transcends genres. "As a storyteller, he's simply one of the best we have," she said.
She said le Carre "has always put his characters in a moral maze. And I think this book, which is partly about the War on Terror, makes it clear that the War on Terror is fraught with as much moral ambiguity as the Cold War."
Le Carre lives with his wife Jane in a house high above the rugged coast of southwest England, and in a large home in one of London's leafiest nooks. Sitting amid the book-lined walls and solid wooden furniture of his London house, he looks the picture of middle-class contentment, a white-haired 76-year-old wearing a hearing aid and a gray sleeveless sweater.
But he is not mellowing into old age. His conversation, like his writing, fizzes with a moral outrage that is at odds with his kindly, avuncular manner.
The enemy in his new book is not just terrorism, but also the treachery and betrayal of supposed allies. Le Carre's German spies are caught between their own goals and the demands of impatient American colleagues, depicted as willing to cut a few ethical corners in the cause of neutralizing a perceived threat.
Le Carre can see the criticism coming.
"I don't expect a terribly warm reception in the United States," he says. "I'm not anti-American. But I'm certainly anti the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld disaster of the last eight years." Like many liberal Europeans, he feels that the United States has been "hijacked."
America has claimed the right "to seize any citizen of any country whom it deems offensive to it," he says. "America has licensed torture. In the end, I ask the same question that I've been asking through a whole lot of books: How much of this stuff can we do to ourselves in protection of our democracy and remain a democracy worth protecting?"
The book has more personal concerns. The three central characters -- Issa, Annabel and Tommy Brue, a careworn British banker -- have fathers who cast long shadows their offspring struggle to shake off.
"All of us are molded much more than we ever want to let on by our parental origins and the way we are brought up and the angers of our childhood," says le Carre.
The intersection of psychology and ideology, politics and the personal, is prime le Carre territory.
His own father, a charming con man and fraudster, helped propel him into storytelling and spying, two creative forms of deception. Le Carre drew on that background for his most autobiographical novel, "A Perfect Spy," which charts a boy's induction into a life of personal and professional deceit.
Le Carre has been a full-time writer for more than four decades, and kept silent for years about his time as a spy. These days he's more willing to discuss it, although he says he never became more than a "very lowly" operative. His career in espionage was ended by the British double agent Kim Philby, who exposed him and dozens of other British agents to the Soviets.
If the author has a surrogate in the novel, it's Gunther Bachmann, a mid-ranking German intelligence official who upholds the values worth preserving.
"I'm with Bachmann, instinctively," le Carre says. He stands for all the "really good field men and field women" in spy agencies everywhere.
"They're not interventionists, they're not judgmental. But they have a knack for it -- they can listen at the bazaars, they know how to befriend people, how to manipulate them. How to do a deal with them and stick to the deal.
"Intelligence work at its best is academic, it's human, it's earthy and it's vocational. It's not about how to break somebody's neck on a dark night."
Le Carre comes from a generation of spies that was shocked by the way intelligence was manipulated to make the case for war in Iraq, through the British government's infamous "dodgy dossier" and other exaggerated claims about Saddam Hussein's alleged weapons of mass destruction.
"In my day -- in the spook world -- we saw ourselves almost as people with a priestly calling to tell the truth," he said. "We didn't shape it or mold it. We were there, we thought, to speak truth to power. I never had any sense of the stories being twisted to suit the political requirements."
Idealism in a spy? Perhaps it's less unlikely than it sounds. Like his books, le Carre is a mix of unblinking realism and hopeful humanism. His characters struggle valiantly to do the right thing. They usually fail.